PCC Meetings

Monthly Council Meetings Pentyrch Community Council usually holds these on the 3rd Monday of every month (except for August) at 6:30pm. Please contact the Office on 029 2089 1417 or email office@pentyrch.cc to check, in case a meeting has had to be re-arranged.

The next meetings are:

There are no Council Meetings held during the month of August.

Meeting links are posted below. You should test that the link gives you a connection, prior to the meeting.
If you are unable to get a connection please telephone 07949 309812 two hours before, on the day of the meeting.
Finance Committee: Wednesday 10th July @ 12:00pm (Online)
Monthly Meeting: Monday 15th July @6:30pm – in person (Pentyrch Village Hall) / online

As of May 2021, PCC meetings are held under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.

PCC’s meetings will be held online for the time being.  We are investigating equipment for hybrid meetings.  Under the 2021 Act, community and town councils in Wales may meet online (to date, English councils cannot do this).  If they meet face to face they must provide for people to attend virtually.  

The press and public have the legal right attend council meetings and under the 2021 Act have great rights to speak and be heard.  See the Statutory Guidance on our Letters and Documents page for details.

PCC welcomes attendance of the press and public at its online meetings. 

Council Monthly Meeting Agendas and Minutes


July Draft Minutes of Council

June Draft Minutes of Council

May AGM Minutes

May Minutes of Council

April Minutes of Council

March Minutes of Council

February Minutes of Council

January Minutes of Council


December Minutes of Council

November Minutes of Council

October Minutes of Council

September Minutes of Council

July Minutes of Council

June Minutes of Council

June Agenda of Extraordinary Council

AGM Minutes 2023

May Minutes of Council

April Minutes of Council

March Minutes of Council

February Minutes of Council

January Minutes of Council


December Minutes of Council

November Minutes of Council

October Minutes of Council

September Minutes of Council

Pcc.Agenda.Council.Sept 2022-public

PCC FinanceMins. 12 Sept 2022

Minutes EXTRAORDINARY MEETING August 31 2022

Minutes EXTRAORDINARY MEETING August 22 2022

Minutes July 18 212 – december planning minutes022

Planning Committee

PCC’s Planning Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 11am.  We meet online.   If you wish to make comments please send them to the Clerk and they will be forwarded to the committee.  All recent Cardiff planning applications and decisions are on the Planning page of this website. You are welcome to join the Teams meeting and the link is at the bottom of the Agenda.


July Planning Minutes

June Building & Estates Committee Minutes June Planning Minutes

June Planning Minutes

April Planning Minutes

April Building & Estates Committee Minutes

March Planning Minutes

March Building & Estates Committee Minutes

February Planning Minutes

February Building & Estates Committee Minutes

January Planning Minutes

January Building & Estates Committee Minutes


December Planning Minutes

November Planning Minutes

October Planning Minutes

Building Estates Committee Minutes September

September Planning Minutes

July Additional Planning Meeting Minutes

July Planning Minutes

Building Estates Committee Draft Minutes – June

June Planning Minutes

May Planning Minutes

April Planning Minutes

March Planning Minutes

February Planning Minutes

January Planning Minutes


December Planning Minutes

November Planning Minutes

Minutes Planning Committee September 7 2022

Minutes Planning Committee August 3 2022

Minutes Planning Committee July 6 2022

Minutes Planning Committee June 8 2022

For details of specific applications to be discussed, please contact the Clerk, Adrian Isaacs: clerk@pentyrch.cc.

Finance Committee

PCC’s Finance Committee normally meets to meet at 11am on the 2nd Monday of each month. We are now meeting online.    You are welcome to join the Teams meeting and the link is at the bottom of the Agenda.

During Jan, Feb & March 2024 PCC will be trialling inclusion of Finance matters in the Monthly Council Meetings.


July Finance Minutes

June Finance Minutes

April Finance Minutes


Finance Minutes December 2023

Finance Minutes November 2023

Finance Minutes October 2023

Finance Minutes September 2023

Finance Minutes August 2023

Finance Minutes July 2023

Finance Minutes June 2023

Finance Minutes May 2023

Finance Minutes April 2023

Finance Minutes March 2023

Finance Minutes February 2023

Finance Minutes January 2023


Finance Minutes December 2022

Finance Minutes November 2022

Finance Minutes October 2022

Finance Minutes August 8 2022

Finance Minutes July 11 2022

Finance Minutes June 8 2022

Transport Committee

PCC’s Transport Committee Agendas and Minutes


July Transport Working Group Minutes


December Transport Committee Agenda

November Transport Committee Agenda

October Transport Committee Agenda

Staffing Committee

PCC’s Transport Committee Agendas and Minutes


June Staffing Committee Agenda


Other Committees

Meetings now take place via Microsoft Teams.  The press and public are welcome to join and the Teams link will be at the bottom of each agenda.  If possible, please notify the Clerk that you will be attending: clerk@pentyrch.cc

Background Papers for Main Meetings

PCC Annual Report 2021-2022

19.  Cover letter – annual report 2022

19.  Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales – Annual Report 2022

19.  Llythyr eglurhaol – adroddiad blynyddol 2022

19.  Panel Annibynnol Cymru ar Gydnabyddiaeth Ariannol – Adroddiad Blynyddol 2022

22 The-Queens-Platinum-Jubilee-AR-Trail-2022 copy

22 Guide_To_Taking_Part_Online copy

26.  220225 PAC Letter (Pentyrch CC)- J33

26.  220225 PAC Schedule 1C Notice – Spicer

26.  220225 PAC Schedule 1B Notice – Spicer

216352_AT_A02_Rev A – Quarry Access SPA (1)

216352_AT_A01_Rev A – Football Club SPA (1)

216352_A01_Rev A – Access Design (2)

235204-Pentyrch Community Council Cellnex Universal Community Engagement Letter


CTax Base Information for Community Councils

CTax Base Information for Community Councils Welsh

PCC Committeess and External Bodies January 2022


PCC Annual Report 2019-2020

PCC Annual Report 2020-2021

Multi location meetings – LGE Act – CTC briefing – ENGLISH

Adolygiad o’r Fframwaith Taliadau ar gyfer Cynghorau Cymuned a Thref – Ymgynghoriad ar Gynigion

Adolygu o’r Fframwaith Taliadau Cynghorau Cymuned a Chynghorau Tref

Review of the Remuneration Framework for Community and Town Councils – Consultation on Proposals

Review of the Remuneration Framework for Community and Town Councils

Local Elections (Principal Areas) (Wales) and (Communities) (Wales) Rules 2021 – Consultation Document. Eng

Local Elections (Principal Areas) (Wales) Rules 2021 – Letter for the changes to election rules consultation#2

Annex A. Local Elections (Principal Area) (Wales) Rules 2021

Annex B – English – Local Elections (Principal Areas) (Wales) Rules 2021 – Explanatory Memorandum

Annex C. Local Elections (Communities) (Wales) Rules 2021

Annex D- English – Local Elections (Communities) (Wales) Rules 2021 – Explanatory Memorandum

Review of the Remuneration Framework for Community and Town Councils Review of the Remuneration Framework for Community and Town Councils – Consultation on Proposals

Review of the Remuneration Framework for Community and Town Councils – Consultation on Proposals

Adolygu o’r Fframwaith Taliadau Cynghorau Cymuned a Chynghorau Tref

Adolygiad o’r Fframwaith Taliadau ar gyfer Cynghorau Cymuned a Thref – Ymgynghoriad ar Gynigion

15 Cardiff Standards & Ethics Committee Observation feedback – Pentych Community Council 17.05.21

Internal Audit Pentrych Year End 2021

Supporting Statement 2020-2021

RFO Final Report 2020-21

Income and Expenditure Account for Year Ended 31st March 2021

Earmarked Reserves 31.3.2021.PDF

Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2021






Community and Town Councils – Welsh Government Areas for Action

CTC Review Panel Summary Recommendations August 2018

National Association of Local Councils’ General Data Protection Regulation – February 2018

The Agenda and any associated papers will be published here at least 3 clear days before the next meeting.

Minutes are published as soon after each meeting as possible, usually about a week, on a separate page of this site.